dijous, 18 d’octubre del 2018

Ready for Halloween!

Resultado de imagen de HAPPY HALLOWEEN

                      CLASS ACTIVITY

SESSION 1: Friday 26th October
Working in teams, you have to create something related to Halloween. Take all the material you need to the class and create it!
Prepare how you will present it to the rest of the class in an original way.

Enter this link to get lots of ideas

SESSION 2: Tuesday 30th October
Present your work to the rest of the class. 
Each team has 5 minutes.

diumenge, 14 d’octubre del 2018

MY MIND MAP CHECKLIST                     

Your mind map must have all the items below checked off.


q  The mind map is on DIN-A 3 paper.
q  Your name, surname and class are clearly written on the FRONT of the mind map.
q  The handwriting is neat, clear and readable.


q  The distribution of content on the paper is well-planned. Clockwise order: vocabulary -  grammar.
q  The title of the unit (or the topic) is in the middle of the paper and there is a picture representing the title or topic.
q  The main branches branch out into smaller and thinner branches/lines.
q  There is a branch for all the parts of the unit worked in class.
q  There is a title for each branch.
q  There are some small pictures illustrating the content.
q  There aren’t long copied paragraphs. Ideas are summarized.
q  Maybe there are connections between groups of ideas using lines.


q  The branches have a different colour each.
q  Some keywords are in UPPER CASE letters.
q  The pictures are coloured using pencils.
q  Highlighters are used for highlighting words, not for painting.

Resultado de imagen de remember 
    Mind mapping is an art!

dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2018